Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

I took a break from making picture frames to make some Valentine’s Day Cookies!  This making picture frames from moldings idea is turning out to be a bit more difficult than I expected.   
I have a dear friend who makes the most precious Valentine’s Day cookies.  She rolls out literally hundreds of these perfect little bite size hearts and frosts each one individually with a bit of light pink frosting.  Then she hands them out to all her friends and just anyone who happens to be around.  I think this is one of the reasons why she has a lot of friends. 
Friend's Cookie Making Process
My laziness and perfectionist tendencies prohibit me from making hundreds of little cookies.   So I make them extra large and add sprinkles to compensate. 

 I only managed to make nine cookies this time and have already eaten one.   

So friends and family, please know that your failure to receive a Valentine's Day Cookie from me has no relationship to how much I adore you!
Happy Valentine’s Day!


  1. Too funny. Hope you and BF have a great Valentine's!

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